Community: 10 Most Cringeworthy Moments

3. The Puppet Segments - Intro To Felt Surrogacy

Community TV Show

In a series known for its quirky, outlandish style of sensibility, it seems that an episode consisting of the cast being (mostly) puppets for the entire episode would be a no-brainer and potentially an instant classic, but unfortunately, with the season 4 writers at the helm it didn't spell out goldmine as much as it did another 8 letter word: disaster.

In the ill-fated Intro To Felt Surrogacy, the study group are yet again dealing with some inner group tension as their recent camping trip, doesn't exactly go to plan and instead is derailed by minor misdemeanours that cumulatively make it a poor experience.

The episode isn't synonymous with one particular cringe moment, as the majority on this list are. It instead has the unwanted distinction of being the most teeth-grindingly, frustrating if not outright abysmal experience in the entire Community canon, which it is allegedly no longer a part of after Harmon retook the reigns.

The amalgamation of numerous pathetically written and performed songs, the unnecessary inclusion of Chang and the Dean who have next to nothing to do in the storyline and the fact that Chevy Chase was all but checked out at this point all combine to make Intro To Felt Surrogacy painfully unwatchable, regardless of how much poison ivy you've ingested.

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My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: