Community: 15 Best Ever Episodes

1. Season 3 Episode 4 - Remedial Chaos Theory

Community Epidemiology
Sony Pictures Television

If there was ever an example for how to expertly write comedy in a clever and interesting way, it would be this season three episode.

The episode's premise is a simple one, but the execution makes it unique.

Troy and Abed host a moving in party for their new apartment and have invited the Study Group round. With everyone around a table reluctant to answer the door to collect the ordered pizza, Jeff conceives of a fair roll of a die to decide who goes.

With segments of the episode resetting, six different stories are told from the perspective if one particular character leaves the room. From the "meh" to the insanely tragic, the episode resets and the timeline restarts. Each time the story resets tells a new tale and they're never boring.

Recurring set pieces play key parts in each timeline; Jeff whacking his head on a ceiling fan, Britta attempting to sing Roxanne by The Police and an Indiana Jones model, all divert in strange ways for each story to unfold.

The resolution is just as fulfilling; with Jeff's scheming to not answer the door unveiled, everyone else' hijinks land on a positive note and not "The Darkest Timeline".

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!