Community: 15 Best Ever Episodes

2. Season 2 Episode 14 - Advanced Dungeons & Dragons

Community Epidemiology

An episode about the game Dungeons and Dragons might be hard to sell as a "Best Episode" to the uninitiated, but this Community classic hits all the targets.

The episode's premise follows the Study Group (minus Pierce) working together to lift the spirits and support the mental well-being of social pariah and fellow student "Fat Neil".

The episode already kicks off to a great start with everyone, (but Abed and Neil) misunderstanding the rules and assuming the roles of hilariously named character profiles. With sound effects and a score playing over Abed's description, each character takes their turn and the improvisation to the story had me laughing from start to finish.

The episode isn't a whole barrel of laughs; Pierce' jealousy for being excluded from the game manifests into the behavior of an old school bully. And his deliberate aiming of insults and abuse at Neil is not only uncomfortable for the Study Group, but could be triggering for audiences too.

The episode is both a fun romp for the Study Group, and a serves as insight into the vindictiveness of Pierce Hawthorne. Thankfully, it ends on a positive note, and you can enjoy a second adventure later in the series.

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!