Community: Every Paintball Episode Ranked Worst To Best

6. Curriculum Unavailable

Community Paintball

Despite being a fan favourite, Community season three doesn't really feature a paintball episode.

Instead, the season gives us classic episodes like Remedial Chaos Theory, Pillows and Blankets, and Digital Estate Planning - but having a decent paintball episode alongside those gems might catapult season three to the top of nearly every fan's rankings of Community's seasons.

However, the season treats us to a glimpse of a paintball game we'll never get to see. In Curriculum Unavailable, during a montage of how much the Dean loves the Greendale 7, we see a quick cutaway to a black and white gangster themed paintball game. In that game, Pierce shoots at Abed, but the Dean takes the shots so Abed can win the prize of seeing a performance of the musical Chicago which he calls "Lame."

The joke of this segment is that another paintball episode might feel forced and inorganic. While this may have been the case, it's still tantalising, seeing such an awesome premise for a paintball episode without ever seeing how it would have actually played out.

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Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.