Community: The Worst Episode From Every Season

5. Season 2 - Custody Law And Eastern European Diplomacy

Community Abed
Community, NBC

The season 2 episode Custody Law And Eastern European Diplomacy has two major storylines worth noting: Shirley and Chang discussing the latter's potentially fathering of her baby, and Britta ruining yet another of Troy and Abed's friends. Both storylines, like most episodes, run concurrently and involve separate groups of characters.

Where this particular entry in season 2 falls short is the somewhat lacklustre plot line between Shirley and Chang. It's simply not enticing or very funny. It has some good moments, sure, but aside from dealing with some major story arcs it does very little.

In terms of the Britta storyline, it's not bad - in fact this part is very good. It's funny, it's dark, it's classic Britta. This really should have been the major storyline of the episode rather than Shirley and Chang's baby dealings.

Ultimately the episode is not truly bad, with a good half of it being great - it's just that the not-so-good half really lets it down. If anything, this episode being the worst should act as a testament to how great Community, and this season especially, is.

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