Community's 10 Most Emotional Moments

1. Bon Troyage

YahooYahooThe saddest part of Pierce's death wasn't his goodbye; it's what his goodbye lead to. Pierce's final task to Troy was for him to sail around the world with LeVar Burton in order to inherit his millions. Troy took up the challenge and was set to leave Greendale forever, but not before Abed could try and stall that farewell with a legendary game of the Floor is Lava, putting up his rare and expensive comic book as the prize to the winner. As they are wont to do, the students and faculty of Greendale took the game super seriously, and before you know it the campus was transformed into a post-apocalyptic world filled with rolling chairs and steam punk floor cleaners. However, this was all a veil for how Abed saw the world; Troy leaving made the floor really turn into lava in Abed's head, so he created this game so everyone would see what he saw. Realising that he needed to let go, Abed "died" after plunging into the fake fire. Britta, who recognised early on that his Abed was suffering more than he was letting on, eventually intervened and assisted Troy in "cloning" Abed by removing those pesky anxieties and feelings he was dealing with before bringing him back. Troy, who likewise was scared about moving on, also "died" and was "cloned" with his fear removed as well. Troy's goodbye was a pinnacle moment in the show. Not only because another one of the principle character's was leaving, but because Troy was the first of the study group to finish college and willingly move on. Throughout the show's run we saw glimpses of the man that Troy would become, but here we finally saw it come into fruition. The hardest part of growing up is realizing that it's time to grow up, but it's a little easier if the people you love are there to support you along the way. Key Line: "By the way when I cloned you, I had to patch some missing parts of your DNA with genes from a homing pigeon. You may notice side effects. Like a compulsion to come back." - Abed Nadir Did your favorite moment make the list? Let us know in the comments!
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Andrew is a self-proclaimed humorist/facepuncher, and is one of the last of his kind. He was dragged from the debris in war-torn Poland and plays a piano most beautifully. In closing, he likes pickles. Follow him on Twitter @TheAEJohnson