Community's 10 Most Emotional Moments

8. Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas

YahooYahooAbed is weird, even for a school that has a class dedicated to baby talk. He builds pillow forts. He talks in TV tropes. He understands life better when it has a structure, so when he has a mental breakdown he naturally regresses into the most comforting/disturbing world he can think of; stop-motion Christmas animation. Never missing an opportunity to benefit from another person's misery, Professor Duncan sees Abed's breakdown as an opportunity to publish a paper on Abed's unique descent into madness. After the study group indulge Abed in his hallucination (and learn about themselves in the most touching of Christmas special ways) we learn that Abed's breakdown is linked to letter he received from his mother, who was cancelling on him this Christmas because she has a new family and has moved on. Unable to process this, Abed retreated into comforting familiarity, and it took the love of his new family - his friends in the study group - to bring him back from the brink. For a guy as seemingly emotionless as Abed is, it's here we learned that even though he doesn't know how to process them Abed does feel things, and often harder than the rest of us. Key Line: "The meaning of Christmas is that we give it meaning. To me, it used to mean being with my mom. Now, I guess it means being with you guys. Thanks, Lost." - Abed Nadir
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Andrew is a self-proclaimed humorist/facepuncher, and is one of the last of his kind. He was dragged from the debris in war-torn Poland and plays a piano most beautifully. In closing, he likes pickles. Follow him on Twitter @TheAEJohnson