Community's Cast - Where Are They Now?

14. Richard Erdman

Community Cast

We won’t be delving into every minor background character here, given that Community had a massive supporting roster. With Richard Erdman though, it’s worth making an exception.

Erdman sadly passed away earlier this year, sorely missed by Community fans everywhere. Leonard was one of the most entertaining background characters on the show, especially through his petty one liner squabbles with Jeff.

93 when he died, most of Erdman’s best known work came before Community, although you could argue his time at Greendale was a career highlight too. Post Community, he only made one appearance; as himself in Ken Jeong’s (Chang) show, Dr. Ken.

In his earlier career, Erdman featured in classics like The Jetsons, Scooby Doo, The Twilight Zone, Mr Ed and Alfred Hitchcock Presents, racking up an impressive roster. Acting since the ‘50s, his earliest starring role was in 1957’s action comedy Stalag 17, where he played an American prisoner of war during World War II.

With his advanced age, he represents a rarity here, in that he entry has mainly looked backwards, reflecting on his before Community career. From here on out though, it’s full steam ahead.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)