Crisis On Infinite Earths: 8 Biggest Questions We Have After Parts 1 - 3

5. Is Kingdom Come Superman Dead?

Superman Crisis
The CW

One of the Crisis' greatest aspects was, no doubt, Brandon Routh's portrayal of the Kingdom Come Superman. A hero grieving the loss of his loved ones (due to the fact that Joker gassed the Daily Planet and killed Lois Lane along with an abundance of their colleagues), he became one of the seven Paragons and helped the Arrowverse's heroes save countless people throughout the multiverse during the Crisis.

However, when he and the rest of the Paragons were saved by Pariah, he collapsed in pain and, following the emergence of a bright red energy, his body transformed into Lex Luthor - the result of the Supergirl supervillain writing his own name in the Book of Destiny and ultimately replacing the Man of Steel as one of the Paragons. Naturally, fans have been left wondering if the Kingdom Come Kal-El just disappeared, or if he was killed? And, more to the point, will he return?

A particular standout moment of this Superman's was his eloquent description of why he replaced the yellow in his outfit with black, so it goes without saying that fans want a better and more hopeful ending for him than this one.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.