4. The Chat And Cut (S8 Ep 5)
The Context: Larry goes to Jeff and Suzies leaving party, as they prepare to move to New York.
The Issue: One of the great social observations of Lawrence Davids existence here, the chat and cut. Definition: To Chat and Cut (verb) - The act of feigning sincerity with someone you barely know (and/or even like), and employing trite conversation, in order to cut into a line. Weve all probably done it at one time or another, but fortunately Larry wasnt there on hand to pick us up on it. As Larry and Jeff wait in the buffet line for their food, a woman gets chatting to the man in front. The helpless man seems to have little idea who she is, but naturally pretends to remember her, while she picks up a plate in the process. Larry confronts the chat and cutter, and the man even confesses to having no memory of ever meeting her. Conceding defeat, the sneaky woman verbally attacks Larry before trying the trick again! Superb awareness from the master of social convention.