Curb Your Enthusiasm: 10 Worst Things Larry David Ever Did
5. Ruins His Chance To Get Back With Cheryl

In the end, amazingly, Larry’s plan comes to fruition and his ex-wife comes knocking on his door late one night after re-falling in love with him whilst shooting the Seinfeld reunion episode. The stage is set for a fairy-tale ending with music and romance - only Larry could bottle this one…
Earlier in the episode, Julia Louis-Dreyfus accuses Larry of having left his drink (without a coaster!) on a very expensive wooden table at her house, thereby leaving a permanent mark. This, Larry vehemently denies, setting him on a mission to find the real culprit and clear his name with Julia. Thus, when fooling around with Cheryl on his couch in the closing minutes of the episode, he discovers that the perpetrator was Cheryl. He immediately kills the mood, demanding that she call Julia and exonerate him. It is the last nail in the coffin of their marriage.
‘Men only want one thing’, the saying goes. Well not Larry; he seems to have bigger priorities…