Daredevil: 10 Most Shocking Moments From Season 1

10. The Origins Of Wilson Fisk

When people think of the best Marvel villains they often name characters like Dr. Doom, Thanos, or even Galactus - but they are so wrong. Wilson Fisk is without a doubt the most complex and cruellest antagonist to ever grace the pages of a Marvel comic book, and actor Vincent D'Onofrio mastered this greatly in his on-screen portrayal. Combining cruelty with an uncompromising look at the self-proclaimed 'Kingpin of Crime', the significance of the 'White rabbit in a snowstorm' is made evermore apparent when Wilson's origins are explored through multiple flashbacks. Son to a loving mother and an abusive father, Fisk's emotional torment culminates in a physical crescendo that renders the viewer palpably horrified. To end the physical abuse of his mother, young Fisk takes a hammer to his father's skull multiple times, mirroring the brutality at which the character has often been defined by. The act itself is not unsympathetic, but it's the measures taken by himself and his mother after the attack that elevate the scene to uncomfortable levels of gruesomeness. Baptised in violence at an early age, this was the moment when everyone knew that this was a character who couldn't free himself from destruction.
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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Dad Movies are my jam.