Daredevil Season 2 - 8 Frustrating Unanswered Questions We've Been Left With

5. Where's Stone?

When Stick appeared in season one of Daredevil, we got a glimpse of the hulking leader of The Chaste, Stone. However, there's not so much as single mention of him this year, so when exactly will he get involved in the action? The last few episodes really crammed in a lot so the fact that The Chaste didn't factor into things make sense, but they'll likely need to make their presence felt in season three to go to war with The Hand. When that happens, Stone will hopefully return, but his season one appearance was so brief that it wouldn't take much to jump to the conclusion that that tease is all we're going to get. If that's the case, it's a shame because the character has the potential to bring an interesting new dynamic to the series, especially if Elektra is indeed going to fall under the influence of The Hand. Without so much as a name drop here, we'll see...
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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.