Daredevil Season 2 - 8 Frustrating Unanswered Questions We've Been Left With

4. Will Elektra Return As A Villain?

Daredevil hasn't fully embraced the mystical side of The Hand because while the show may have given them the ability to raise the dead, we didn't see fallen ninjas turning into dust or any real magic as such (embracing that following the release of Doctor Strange later this year would be awesome though). However, with The Hand plotting to resurrect Elektra, we're left wondering what their ultimate intentions with her are. Will they do as she speculated and keep her locked up as someone they can worship and kill for or will she rise as something else altogether? The Hand has been known in the comics to bring people back from the dead who aren't anything like their old selves, so we could see an evil Elektra going to war with Matt Murdock in season three. Unfortunately, the series never offered any clues as to whether or not that will be the case!
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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.