Daredevil Season 2 - 8 Frustrating Unanswered Questions We've Been Left With

2. What's The Deal With Micro?

Frank clearly knows a lot more about what's going on than the rest of us, hence why he returned to his family home and retrieved a disc with the word "Micro" written on it. That's clearly a nod to Microchip, a character from the comic books who started out by building weapons, supplying technology and providing friendship to The Punisher, but later became one of his enemies. However, that link doesn't really explain all that much! Was this just a fun nod for fans of the source material or a meaningful link to someone who may be key to whatever the hell happened in Kandahar? Things with Frank's origin story became so messy by the time the finale rolled around that it's hard to say, but it definitely seems as if the character's spinoff will take him away from the world of organised crime for a while by pitting him against corrupt former members of the military.
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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.