Daredevil Season 3: 8 Big Questions We Need Answers To

7. What Will Wilson Fisk Do Next?

Daredevil Season 3 Matt Murdock Poster

Previously on Daredevil, Wilson Fisk was sent to prison. In the time it takes to cook a steak, he went from being an inmate underling to the alpha male of the prison world, ruthlessly seizing control of prisoners and officers alike. It was, in fact, the first time we heard the show's wonderfully complex version of the character refer to himself as the 'Kingpin'.

He also smashed Matt Murdock's head into a table a whole bunch of times and swore cold hard revenge. Looks like Daredevil is about to incur Wilson's wrath two-fold. So what is Kingpin's next move? It's clear that his prison days will be very short lived. And his donning of the iconic white suit in the season preview proves that the ultimate nuances of his character will manifest.

So will he state his new-found conviction by destroying the Devil of Hell's kitchen, or will he re-embark on his quest to liberate New York towards a moral utopia? Or is he actually cerebral enough to achieve one task by undertaking the other? Be very very afraid.

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Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at Everythingisnoise.net