Daredevil Season 3: 8 Things That Must Happen

7. The Hand's Plans Explained

Moreover, another thing that needs to happen in season three is for the overarching plot of The Hand to finally reach its conclusion. Throughout the last two seasons of the show, the mystical ninja clan The Hand have been plotting away in the background. Right now, all we know of their scheme is that it mostly revolves around the aforementioned Black Sky and, for some reason, a massive pit in Hell's Kitchen.

While it obviously is impressive that the show-makers have such long-running plans themselves, to draw the story out even more might have the effect of leaving us hanging just a bit too long. While season three will no doubt bring some new elements to the show, one of the things that it must do is return to the Hand and wrap up their plotline.

And also, it would be cool if - despite his decapitation at the hands of Stick - Nobu returned from the dead once again. Even if it was just for a quick cameo to confirm that he is the series' incarnation of Kirigi, the head of the Hand in the comics.


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