Daughters Of The Dragon: 8 Reasons Why It Should Be Netflix's Next Marvel Series
2. It Would Have A Buddy Cop Feel About It

The benefit of having a show centre around a specific pairing is that it exists in a space between a solo series, anchored by a main character and a cast of supporting allies and villains, and a team-based one. In fact, it forces a different dynamic altogether - one that more closely resembles a buddy cop drama than a typical superhero story.
Colleen and Misty are good friends off the screen, and, given their private detective work, it would make sense for that sort of Shane Black-feel to translate well to the MCU's Netflix contingent.
Of course, Colleen and Misty wouldn't be the only characters involved in a Dragon series, with cameos from other Marvel characters a given in any MCU project, but placing the focus on those two specifically would ensure that the series offers something fundamentally unique and different to other comic book programs.