Daughters Of The Dragon: 8 Reasons Why It Should Be Netflix's Next Marvel Series

1. The Show Would Intersect With The Rest Of The MCU

Fearless Defenders Misty Knight
Marvel Comics

In Cullen Bunn's 2013 series, The Fearless Defenders - a book that featured the pairing of Misty Knight and the Asgardian warrior Valkyrie (played by Tessa Thompson in the upcoming Thor: Ragnarok) - Knight was tasked with breaking up a syndicate smuggling Asgardian artefacts to the United States. The wider series had little to do with street level Marvel, or anything that would be considered the Netflix norm, but it did have an interesting premise that could allow the MCU to link its properties on film and TV more closely together.

Daredevil, Iron Fist and The Defenders have all heavily featured The Hand in their stories, and, while they are a convincing threat, it would be nice to see street level Marvel branch away from the more mystical side of things for a moment or two. Bringing Asgard into the mix, or indeed other aspects of the MCU, would be a welcome break from a universe that, while indeed successful navigating its own little corner of New York, badly deserves some recognition from its cinematic relatives.

Regardless of whatever angle a Misty-Colleen show would take, it's clear that they're a team that's worth exploring. If wider MCU elements were thrown into contention, or indeed, if the series diverted away from The Hand, it could easily make for the most refreshing Netflix series yet.

It's obvious that other Marvel properties will be given the keys to their own Netflix shows shortly, but it would me a huge miss if the company failed to realise that, in this case, they're sitting on a massive one all ready.


Do you think the Daughters of the Dragon could work in Netflix? Or are there other characters out there you want to see get the Netflix treatment first? Be sure to post your thoughts in the comments below!

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.