DC's Legends Of Tomorrow: 5 Things It Needs To Do Differently From Arrow And The Flash

1. Limit Mini Crossovers

Ever since Barry Allen€™s introduction back in Season 2 of Arrow, the CW€™s superhero universe had been filled with characters dropping in on each other for cameos and crossing over to sister cities to assist. The mini crossovers can be a lot of fun, but they also require a lot of attention to detail to work. Coordinating the timing already proved seriously problematic on only the third crossover when Felicity and Ray casually swung by Star Labs in the middle of an Arrow crisis situation. Legends of Tomorrow with time travel as its premise needs to be especially careful of how it intersects with Arrow and The Flash. Timing needs to make sense both in-universe and for real life scheduling purposes, and the possibility of the Legends crew popping up at any point to lend a hand could take a lot of the suspense out of situations on Arrow and The Flash. Mini crossovers need to be used in moderation and with close collaboration between folks behind the scenes if the Legends of Flarrow-verse is going to be a success. Agree with this list? What do you want to see from Legends of Tomorrow? Share your thoughts down in the comments. Like this article? Stay updated by following us on Twitter: @WhatCultureTV

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