DC's Legends Of Tomorrow New Trailer: 16 Things You Need To See

12. Rip Hunter's Chosen Legends

During this latest trailer, Rip Hunter says that he purposely chose these 8 legends to help him put together his team. That's a mighty big amount of pressure instantly put on this ragtag group. As Hunter puts it himself, out of all of the heroes in all of the world from all of the time periods in history, his choices for his team are The Atom, White Canary, Firestorm (who obviously classes as two heroes), Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Captain Cold, and Heat Wave. What makes these guys so special in a world that has a Green Arrow, a Flash, and that has teased a whole host of DC heroes, even going as far as to reference Superman and Batman in this very trailer? Keep in mind though, this is Legends of Tomorrow, not Legends of Today, and so whilst some of these characters may not feel up to scratch right now, clearly they will be in the future.
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Senior Writer

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