DC's Legends Of Tomorrow New Trailer: 16 Things You Need To See

13. Destination Unknown

The M.O. of DC€™s Legends of Tomorrow is to stop Vandal Savage largely by going back in time to capture the villain before he carries out the monstrous deeds that change the future landscape of the world. Here we see Rip Hunter explaining things to his team of legends and opening up audience's imaginations on where the action could spill to. From what€™s been said previously, it€™s believed that the show could very well visit some big points of DC history past, present and future. There€™s also set to be a rotating roster of legends if and when the show moves forward past a first season. With that taken into consideration, it€™s hugely intriguing to see what moments and time periods we€™ll see from Legends of Tomorrow as it develops.
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Senior Writer

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