DC's Stargirl Season 1 Review: 10 Ups & 2 Downs
A triumph in every way, Stargirl is the superhero show you SHOULD be watching.
'Superhero fatigue' is a phrase that often gets thrown around in today's day and age by those who are frustrated by the abundance of comic book properties on both the big and small screens. It's one that is easy to dismiss because there's clearly a demand for these properties, but it's also one that gives pause because there is a lot of superhero programming out there right now.
DC has been providing fans with a number of entertaining live-action properties on both their own streaming service and through The CW's long-running Arrowverse shows, so that alone would make it hard for any new additions to stand out- especially when said new addition happens to exist between (or within) both of those services.
A joint venture between DC Universe and The CW, Stargirl walks the line between the programming associated with both and that ultimately works to its advantage. Based on the eponymous DC hero, the Geoff Johns series has proven itself to be one of this year's most enjoyable offerings in a very short amount of time.
Stargirl doesn't just stand out, it shines as bright as the Cosmic Staff that its titular heroine wields, setting itself apart from the rest of the programming on the DC Universe while also being of a significantly higher standard than the vast majority of her TV counterparts.
With the show's debut adventure having come to an end, let's reflect on its outstanding first season.
First, the negatives...