DC's Titans Season 1 Premiere: 3 Ups & 2 Downs From Episode 1

2. It Left Us Wanting More

Titans Starfire
Warner Bros.

The season premiere of Titans may have told its own contained story, revolving around Raven's kidnapping, but when it comes to telling the show's actual story, it barely scratched the surface. Though this may sound like a bad thing, it's most definitely not. The vast majority of superhero shows have some kind of minor standalone story to help their pilot stand on its own two feet, while subtlely setting up what's to come. That's exactly what Titans did - even if it was somewhat less clear about the whole thing.

The mystery surrounding Raven's origins definitely seems like its going to be the main focus and thus, everyone's intrigue (and fear) will undoubtedly be the force that ultimately brings the Titans together. Speaking of which, outside of the fact that Dick has now taken Raven under his protection, a superhero team up couldn't seem further away, given that Starfire is in Austria and Beast Boy is gallivanting around in the woods. On that note, we still don't know how he fits into the story.

If the job of a pilot is to set up an intriguing story, then Titans' premiere episode definitely accomplished that. It was a solid intro that left us with more questions than answers - and thankfully, for the most part, they're questions we want to see answered.

The Titans may not unite right away, but if it continues to defy our expectations, viewers will be willing to wait for it.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.