Deadwood: Ranking 15 Cast Members Worst To Best

10. 'Wild' Bill Hickock

Deadwood HBO

In a lot of ways, Bill Hickock is a huge reason for Deadwood to have the legacy it does. It isn't hard to believe that one of the key scenes pitched to HBO by David Milch was the historically accurate murder of 'Wild' Bill Hickock while he played poker in a Deadwood saloon at the hands of Jack McCall. It was Deadwood's Game of Thrones moment, seven years before Ned Stark took to his knees at the steps of the Great Sept of Baelor.

Bill Hickock was a legendary gunslinger that enters the camp more myth than man at the start of the show. He's suave, he's calm and he is incredibly cool. He interacts with various members of the camp and seems just as important as Seth Bullock or Al Swearengen. Then he dies. Only four episodes in!

It was a huge moment for the show (especially if you don't know your history) and stands out as one of the most iconic scenes in the series. If only he was given the chance to hang around for a whole season because he'd definitely place higher on this list. Keith Carradine captured the gravitas of the character with every stare of his eyes and every step he took. After he's gone, his shadow loomed large over the season, as it should have.


Opinionated pop-culture commentator who aspires to be a writer so people can opinionatedly comment on the pop-culture I put out.