Deadwood: Ranking 15 Cast Members Worst To Best

7. Doc Cochran

Deadwood HBO

No one enjoyed dressing down the inhabitants of Deadwood quite like its in-house doctor. Due to his extreme value as a medical professional, Doc Cochran would often say exactly how he felt to the more imposing figures in camp without fear of retaliation.

Doc had high morals and could be extremely stubborn as he was determined to treat the sick and ailing regardless of how ill he may be himself. His bedside manner would often be gentle and sweet to someone like Sofia but he would berate and taunt people like Al if they would ignore his advice. It was often better if they would just do as he said.

Doc has many moments that highlight him as a truly good man and is one of the few people in camp that manages to get on with everybody. This made him a true cornerstone of the community and one of the most memorable figures on the show itself.


Opinionated pop-culture commentator who aspires to be a writer so people can opinionatedly comment on the pop-culture I put out.