Disenchantment Part 2: 10 Best Moments

9. Bean’s Speech

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Episode 18, In Her Own Write, was one of the few standalone episodes in Part Two of Disenchantment, focusing on general goings on in Dreamland rather than the overarching mythology of the show. It deals with Bean coming to terms with her place in the world and processing her mother's treachery and wickedness.

It begins with Bean writing a novel (which quickly becomes a play) to get her feelings out. Once the draft of the play is complete, however, she learns women aren't allowed in the theatre and that she'll never have her play put on.

The show dips in and out of social commentary of the era, and here it's just used as a plot point to keep everything moving along.

Her play is eventually performed, but only with Merkimer falsely credited as writer, with him making several changes and bastardising her message. Disgruntled, Bean goes to the tavern next door on the play's opening night, where she gets on stage for open mic night and pours her heart out.

She's unaware that Zog had slipped out of the theatre and was watching from the back. As soon as she's done, the two of them share a lovely moment together.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)