Doctor Who: 10 Biggest Cop Out Endings

1. Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS

There are cop-out endings in every show, and writers try to avoid them, whether it's the clumsy "Doctor-Donna" prophecy, the use of a giant robot in an earlier episode, or just falling back on the themes of the show. But 'Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS' really took the cop-out ending biscuit because it didn't even try to avoid a lazy resolution. It was classic Steve Thompson; twist after twist after twist, labyrinthine as the TARDIS herself, but totally obscuring the progress of the plot. And then, towards the end, he gifted the Doctor and Clara with a "Big Friendly Button": a reset for the entire episode, nullifying everything that had happened. The episode was referenced in 'The Name of the Doctor', but didn't have to have been; it might as well have never happened - well, it never did happen, did it? - and many fans saw it as a huge anti-climax. The ending of 'Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS' was the ultimate timey-wimey reset though; it polarised viewers, as some thought it insulted them, and some thought was tongue-in-cheek genius. Whether you like any of these endings or not though, there's no denying the writers took an easy way out.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.