Doctor Who: 10 Episodes That Could Have Happened

4. The Eight Doctor's Series

paul mcgann doctor who He's famously the Doctor who was only given six weeks in the role, but the Doctor Who TV Movie was originally planned as a pilot for the show's revival. What would that series have been like though? Well, a whole series was laid out very early on: Earthshock and The Celestial Toymaker were to be remade for American audiences with Paul McGann, and the Cybermen were to shortened to "Cybs". The Master was pulling the strings in the background a lot of the time, including in the proposed 'Tomb of the Cybs' - yes, they were going to remake 'Tomb of the Cybermen' - and as far as historical appearances go, the Dalai Lama and Sir Edmund Hilary would've appeared. But what if Russell T Davies had chosen Paul McGann to feature at the start of 'Rose'? If Steven Moffat had been the one to bring back Who after his charity special, 'The Curse of the Fatal Death', would he have picked Paul McGann to be the opening Doctor? What if that remake series had gone ahead? Would we even have Who now? The only thing I can state categorically is that the petition starts here for a multi-Doctor story featuring Eight, in 2016, as a 20th anniversary of his sole TV appearance.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.