Doctor Who: 10 Most Game-Changing Moments In Day Of The Doctor Trailer

6. Rose Tyler?

Doctor Who Rose Seriously, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? When they announced Billie Piper would be back, everyone went "Rose! Great, Rose is coming back!" IS ROSE COMING BACK? Because Rose appears to have either Tardis eyes or regeneration eyes here. Does she become one with the Tardis again? Can she do that and live? When is Rose even coming from? Could she not be Rose at all, but the Tardis wearing Rose's face? Also, who exactly is she with? We only ever see her talking to John Hurt, telling him that "the moment is coming." We know from the End of Time that the Doctor used something called "The Moment" to end the time war, but then why would she say the moment "is coming," and not, "you're approaching the moment?" Is the moment both and object and a person? And if she is Rose, how did she get here? Did she still have a connection to the Tardis, and she could travel solo? She can't be here from Bad Wolf, because when she was the Bad Wolf she scattered words and atoms, not herself. So what the what?

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at