Doctor Who: 10 Irritating Nu-Who Trends That Need To Die

4. Murray Gold No, this isn't a request for a lynch mob to track Murray down and deliver unspeakable mob justice. There's no question that Mr. Gold is a fine upstanding man who's nice to kittens and orphans and regularly gives blood. No, this speaks to a broader trend in television of which Murray Gold is just one example. Namely- television no longer trusts its audience to know how to feel at any given moment. As a result, every moment of televised drama is absolutely slathered with music specifically written to tell you exactly how you should feel at any given moment. FEEL SAD NOW the music says. FEEL EXCITED NOW the music says. THIS IS THE POINT WHERE YOU SHOULD WORRY ABOUT WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT the music says. There are times when the music should shut up and let the viewer feel however the drama makes them feel at that moment. One such time is Season 8.


Mikey is, in no particular order, a freelance writer, improvisational comedian, volunteer firefighter, playwright, Bon Vivant, and Jane Espenson enthusiast. Born in the small mining town of Eden Prairie, MN, he has some 40 years later successfully moved about 20 miles north of there to the City of Brooklyn Center, MN where he lives with an unreasonable number of dogs. If you'd like to hear him discuss something other than Doctor Who while pretending to be a dog, check out or follow him on twitter at @the42ndVizlsa