Doctor Who: 10 Moments Of Mind-Blowing Unexpected Cruelty From The Doctor

5. "A Good Man Goes To War"

Moffat's conception of the eleventh Doctor tends to operate on a heroic and light-hearted system. Every once in a while, we would see Matt Smith's Doctor express some darkness about him, but only rarely. As River Song herself says, the events of this episode contain the Doctor's "darkest hour." So it's only fitting that we see him painted as a fallen angel figure aside from Lorna Bucket's few choice words about the Doctor. Eleven's "Colonel Run-away" speech left viewers almost as speechless and intimidated as Colonel Manton, the recipient. The speech is wonderful as far as showing us into the psyche of the Doctor. We see how what we first perceive to be a joke is actually a manipulative ploy that would leave Manton forever haunted by his loss.
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I'm a student at NCSU. Every now and then I watch Doctor Who. Every now and then I write something.