Doctor Who: 10 Reasons Why The Show Should Return To The Classic Format

8. A Return To Classic Villains Actually Being Villains

Doctor Who Ice Warrior If you're going to resurrect classic monsters, at least have the decency to make them as scary as before €“ Daleks, Ice Warriors, Silurians, Sontarans etc. Back to the classic series DVDs with you, Steven ' Master Of The Land Of Fiction' Moffat! Though you have brought back a face from the past as the new Doctor, so clearly you did learn something from ' Arc Of Infinity', didn't you? While we love the fact the Moff's been prepared to bring back so many of the beloved old foes, they're lacking something. It's quite a culture shock to discover Sontarans can actually be quite nice €“ even caring €“ when you're used to seeing them declare war on all and sundry, and it's odd to see a Silurian who's given up despising the 'apes' who pinched their planet and actually likes them enough to become a Silesbian civil partner to one. But still, we can't imagine the Twelfth Doctor will stand for that, he looks terrifying enough when he's supposedly happy, and we wouldn't mess with him. Even Skaldak, supposedly the baddest of the new Ice Warriors, hesitated a bit when offered the chance to blow that submarine to kingdom come in 'Cold War', a definite 'head-in-hands-sobbing-uncontrollably' moment for those watching at home. Come back ' The Ice Warriors', all is forgiven. Mind you, 'Cold War' could at least a trigger to revisit one of the Second Doctor's best ever stories €“ bases under siege seem to be a Patrick Troughton specialty, and he does it all without ruining his lovely Beatle hair. What a hero.
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