Doctor Who: 10 Scariest Episodes That Sent Us All Behind The Sofa

1. Blink

In modern society, where we're exposed to so much more than we used to be, where we thought that everything had been done... statues really shouldn't have been that scary. The fact of the matter is though, that 'Blink' is regarded as the scariest Doctor Who episode of the modern era; furthermore, it's probably more impressive to have created something that scary, in 2007. And the episode revolves around such a simple premise: these lightning psychopaths are stalking one poor girl who doesn't even have the Doctor to help her, with the final confrontation taking place in a haunted house. It's an incredible piece of TV. The sheer terror of the episode comes from not wanting to blink ourselves, from these vacant-eyed monsters who, despite what the Doctor says, absolutely do not kill you nicely. It was another bar raised for Doctor Who, though many agree the Weeping Angels were never scarier than in their first appearance, we still don't blink when we see statues.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.