Doctor Who: 10 Scariest Episodes That Sent Us All Behind The Sofa

5. Midnight

'Midnight' is a legendarily dark turn for Russell T Davies, and fantastically, it's almost completely unlike anything he'd written for Doctor Who before. The camp melodrama that often spiked his work was gone for this Donna-lite adventure, replaced by a play-like set-up, a creepy force and a study into cabin fever. What makes 'Midnight' so frightening isn't just that the creature was a completely unknown entity; although that's fairly scary to start with, and the chilling way that the monster begins to copy Ten makes for a spine-chilling sequence. 'Midnight' is also an episode that delves into the amorality and fear in human nature: it's a story that takes an ominous mystery and plays with the idea that it can turn ordinary people into murderers. And for much of the story, the Doctor is in serious danger, and no way in control. He's outnumbered, later possessed by the thing, and the man with all the answers clearly has none. All he has is a deep, long look into the eyes of the woman it's just possessed, and we can tell that he's scared. When the Doctor's scared, that's a good time to be worried ourselves.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.