Doctor Who: 10 Timey-Wimey Episodes (Written By Steven Moffat)
3. A Christmas Carol
As a Christmas special - a spot traditionally saved for light, fluffy episodes of Doctor Who- A Christmas Carol is often forgotten as one of the great timey-wimey stories. Much like the Doctor did with Kazran's life, let's fix that now. For one, it's a supremely clever take on Dickens' immortal tale of a person being rewritten by visions of his past, present and future a story begging for a Doctor Who adaptation if ever there was one. Sardick is the cruel, miserly ruler of Sardicktown who is refusing to allow a crashing cruise liner with Amy and Rory onboard safe passage to land. Determined to save his friends, the Doctor travels back in time to make Kazran a better person so he will save the cruise ship in the future. But the Doctor learns that rewriting people is a lot harder than rewriting time. As well as being incredibly timey-wimey, Carol also manages to be delightfully Christmassy and heartfelt as well. Not only one of Moffat's most timey-wimey episodes, it's also one of his most accomplished stories for Doctor Who. And nothing can go back in time and change that.