Doctor Who: 10 Most Traumatic Companion Departures

2. Amy Pond/Rory Williams (The Angels Take Manhattan)

Amy and rory But as with Rose, we wondered how Amy and Rory would be written out as we knew that the characters were departing long before we saw the episode. The Angels Take Manhattan had a few fake outs along the way with the elderly Rory jumping-off-the-building business. We felt like that our knowledge of their departures was being used against us €“ every time we thought that was it, they'd still be around afterwards. Then right at the end, when we thought it was all over. a lone Weeping Angel abducts Rory and sends him back to the time-locked past right in front of our eyes. Amy then makes the ultimate choice between Rory and the Doctor, and chooses Rory. Adding to the impace of it all was the un-shown scene featuring the son of Amy/Rory meeting Rory's father in the present day to inform him that his son and daughter-in-law lived a good life in the past. It was such a way to go, and it gave the whole sequence a finality that hasn't been seen in recent companions €“ even with Rose we eventually saw her return at points, for good or ill. It certainly seems at the moment that we will never see the girl who waited and the last centurion ever again on Doctor Who.
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I'm a pop culture addict. Television, cinema, comics, games - you name it, and I've done it. Or at least read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.