Doctor Who: 10 Ways The Doctor Could Break The Regeneration Limit

1. "The Doctor Lies"...

Matt Smith ...It would be the ultimate Moffat troll. Seriously though, there'll probably be a plot device introduced in 'The Time of the Doctor'. We won't guess how the Doctor prolongs his life, because we don't know all, or any, of the facts. We didn't guess the mystery of Clara Oswald, because it only started unraveling in that reveal episode. We didn't guess that Gallifrey survived, because we didn't know about the paintings until that episode. Steven Moffat will probably introduce a device early in the episode €“ like the paintings, a fob watch, or the Doctor's tomb. This device probably have the ability to freeze life, prolong it, or keep it going somehow. And that's probably how he'll extend the life of the Doctor; via an item or ability to keep the Doctor fresh. Just watch any big Moffat Who episode where he explains a big plot twist; he'll include this kind of item, whether it's the vortex manipulator in 'The Big Bang' helping the Doctor survive the Pandorica, or River's sonic screwdriver in 'Silence in the Library' helping to upload her to the datacore. On a grand scale, introducing Amy and Rory explained who River was. He doesn't just pluck ideas out of the air (not all the time), and he'll probably rely on his own devices for the episode. How do you think the Doctor will survive though? Do you wish that Moffat would use one of these ideas? Do you think he's trolling us all and that Doctor Who will actually end this Christmas? Comment below!
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