We've been waiting for years. This Saturday, November the 23rd, will be the 50th anniversary of the universe's favorite time-traveling alien television show, Doctor Who. The Doctor, or should I say the Doctors, face the greatest threat the Time Lord has ever faced: himself and his past. As we already know things are going to get intense, so the fez-wearing 11th Doctor and his companion, The Impossible Girl, Clara are going to need some help. Hence the return of fan-favorites, the snarky and bouncy 10th Doctor along with the Bad Wolf herself, Rose. And let us not forget the biggest mystery of them all, The War Doctor (his "name" according to The Night of the Doctor mini-episode) played by John Hurt. Space and time is in the balance as these Doctors (and possibly more?) tackle the story of the Time War, the forgotten John Hurt Doctor, and much more. So I ask you, how are you containing your enthusiasm? I know that I am counting down the seconds, although time is all irrelevant as it is just a bunch of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff, but that doesn't stop me from wearing my favorite Doctor Who shirt and shouting my favorite lines while running around with a Sonic Screwdriver (have I mentioned that I am in my mid-twenties, but who cares). Here and now I am going to give you ten ways to get yourself psyched for The Day of the Doctor coming this weekend and/or fun ways to celebrate the occasion and pass the time until the greatest fandom in the world experiences the worldwide simultaneously broadcasted most epic Doctor Who adventure of all time.