Doctor Who: 12 Steven Moffat Quotes You Might Not Have Heard

8. On Actors To Play The Doctor...

With reports of David Walliams, Chiwetel Ejiofor or Paterson Joseph being offered the Eleven gig before Matt Smith, are we ever going to find out who Moffat's first choice Doctor was? Perhaps not, but he's had a lot to say about the Time Lords of time gone by, good and bad. There's a go-to stock quote for each Doctor - "Colin Baker was wonderfully flamboyant", "Paul McGann brought romance to the Doctor" - but these are a few quotes that haven't been emblazoned all over Tumblr just yet.
"I'd have cast David. First time I saw him in Blackpool I thought he'd be amazing as the Doctor."
€” The Doctor Who Forum
"It's the first day of the auditions, we've only been at it an hour - and sitting in front of us, fully formed and unmistakable, is the Eleventh Doctor. I'm watching the tape of the audition right now, I can hear myself laughing at my own jokes - I usually only do that when I'm talking. Every detail is absolutely right - boffin and action hero, schoolboy and professor, hot young guy and ancient wizard. He's like Patrick Moore trapped in the body of an underwear model. It'll be two weeks before I admit it to myself, but really I know it already. We all know it. This man is the Doctor."
€” Doctor Who Magazine
"I was watching -- I wasn't as much into at the time, the Sylvester McCoy stuff when it was on -- but I was watching it, showing one to my kids and they loved it. And I started loving it because they were loving it. I saw it better. You watch "Doctor Who" with an eight year old and you finally understand it. Oh, he's actually quite funny! And he's got a funny umbrella! This works. Yeah, let's go. So I wished I hadn't said stupid things about him because I thought he was a good Doctor. So there you go. Never express an opinion ever."
"I was watching this morning, and it€™s all the difference in the world, because suddenly he€™s a man in his 50s with gray hair €” and it€™s no difference at all. It€™s weird. Never mind that, John Hurt€™s 73, and how great was he? And kids love the John Hurt Doctor."
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Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.