Doctor Who: 15 Most Watched Episodes Of New Who

12. The Snowmen - 9.87m

Like The Christmas Invasion, The Snowmen took a staple of the Christmas culture and added a killer edge, joining the oddly virulent strand of films and TV shows that have seen evil in the shape of a snowman. This was a true event episode, made more important by the introduction of three prequels setting it up, and was undoubtedly the best Christmas special since the Christmas Invasion back in 2005, even if it somewhat atypically ignored the urge to add more obvious festive references. Yes, Ian McKellen and Richard E Grant were a little underplayed, but what a cast all the same! It could have been a little more scary, since the billing seemed to suggest it would be, but it's still a high-point episode; particularly thanks to the fan-service it pays.
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