Doctor Who - 16 Weird & Must Have TARDIS Objects

11. Flash Drive

Would look great on your desk next to the USB hub. Because you can't have too many of these things lying around.

10. Soap Dispenser

Turn your whole bathroom into a TARDIS shrine.

9. Jewelry Box

The perfect place to put away your geek jewelry.

8. Toothbrush Holder

As I said, be careful about how many of these things you have in one place. I recommend only having the sop dispenser or the toothbrush holder, if you already have the shower curtain. 2 is okay but three begins to look a bit obsessive.

7. Mini Safe

The best place to hide your Sonic Screwdriver in a pinch.

6. Remote Controlled Mini TARDIS

Hm... This is where things start getting a little bizarre. Looks cool in action though, check it out!

James is a 24 year old writer and filmmaker living in Portland, OR. He attended college for graphic design and writes for various sources on the web about film, television, and entertainment. You can view all of his work on his website,