Doctor Who: 5 Biggest Missed Opportunities In 'The Day Of The Doctor'

3. Using The Moment To Remind The Doctor Of His Past Failings

Adric I understand completely why Billie Piper was there - she€™s played a big part in Nu-Who and is a very recognisable face on British television, so her inclusion adds a little extra star power to proceedings (as if John Hurt wasn€™t enough). However, I think that she should have been there just to play Rose, in order to allow the character she ended up portraying to be put to better use. If the Moment was capable of looking into the Doctor€™s timeline to adopt an image that would play on the Doctor€™s conscience, why choose someone that the War Doctor would not recognise? Why not someone from his past, someone he€™d been unable to save and whose death racked his conscience for years to come? Why not Adric? I know, I know, he€™s the Wesley Crusher of the Doctor Who universe, but hear me out. Imagine if the War Doctor had looked up to see an older Adric, a vision of the man he would have become if he€™d not met the Doctor. A reminder of what he€™d deprived Adric of by failing to save him - and now he was going to do the same to the children of Gallifrey. It would have given the Classic Series due representation by prominently featuring an influential (if polarising) character from that era. It might even have given some long-overdue closure to the guilt the Fifth Doctor carried for the remainder of his life. This would have needed very minor tweaks to the dialogue and not altered the structure of the story at all.
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I'm a freelance technology journalist with an unhealthy obsession for Doctor Who.