Doctor Who: 5 Opportunities Afforded By The Newest Companion

3. Changing Character Dynamics

The first half of Series 7 was a protracted farewell to the Ponds. The latter half of Series 7 was all about Clara and the Doctor. Actually, let's face it. Really, the latter half of the Series was all about the Doctor. Clara was the Impossible Girl €“ the plot point to end all plot points with a hastily sketched in backstory that had little to no actual relevance. The character dynamics of the show are largely a mess right now, and the addition of another companion alongside the new Doctor affords the chance to straighten everything out. Hopefully, the show will take a different tack than it did with the relationship between Amy, Rory, and the Doctor. While initially it was great to see the Amy/Rory relationship play out during Series 5 and 6, the "Amy, Rory, and their eccentric uncle The Doctor" triangle wore out its welcome incredibly fast. What we're presented with here is the chance for a different sort of trio. We know that Capaldi's Doctor is more in the stern vein of Hartnell and Eccleston, so it's incredibly unlikely we're going to be saddled with a new love triangle between the three. Instead, is there a chance we might actually see the Doctor becoming a mentor of sorts to his new companions? A fresh dynamic between the characters could go a long way towards revitalizing the emotional core of the series.
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Matt is a freelance writer and aspiring TV and film scriptwriter. He has a bizarrely eclectic skillset, and the interests to match. Find more of his work and ramblings over at the Breakwater Industries page on Facebook. He is a regular contributor to, and his work has also appeared in the essay collection "Joss Whedon: The Complete Companion", published by Titan Books.