Doctor Who: 5 Possibilities (And Potential Pitfalls) Of The New Master

3. Shiny Toys

When the Master is not right in the middle of moving pawns into place for some sort of galactic takeover, or tangling with the Doctor, he tinkers. He overhauled TARDISes, made himself disguises, retooled gadgets, or collected and modified weaponry. If that was not proof enough, the sheer number of complex doomsday devices he has used, stopped, reconfigured, or co-opted prove a degree of strong mechanical aptitude. He was fond of using anything available if the situation called for it, from the basic human handgun, to an épée, to a global mobile phone network. However, he has shown clear preference for weapons of his own design, preferably ones with lethal beams. Early television appearances with the Delgado version of the Master carried around a laser gun, Ainley's Master used a lethal shrink ray known as the Tissue Compressor Eliminator, and Simm's Master had the zap charge of the laser screwdriver. As for the future, while the freeze dried corpses of the TCE Mach 1 or the human confetti of the TCE Mach 2 was undeniably pretty cool, the weapon toting Master has his day. If the laser screwdriver makes a return, or a new weapon takes its place, keeping it simple will be key to its continued success. Villains generally are a lot less interesting holding someone at weapon point. If he really cannot make it out of upcoming sticky wickets with his silver tongue, it would be nice to see him get creative and throw a bus at it, rather than all this weaponry. If he is in need of a creative outlet, a few new disguises would be great fun. Yes, they are terribly camp, but master of disguise jokes were always worth a corny chuckle or two, and the era of faux priests, shamans, and adjudicators was a fun time.
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