Doctor Who: 5 Ways To Shake Up Series 8

1. Lose the Sonic Screwdriver

The BBC will never allow this, since shilling toys of the Doctor's magic wand is probably one of the biggest moneyspinners in the franchise. But, from a storytelling perspective, the sonic is a literal deus ex machina capable of doing whatever the plot demands at any given moment. Granted, most writers avoid using the sonic screwdriver to resolve the episode, recognising it as a cop-out that shows bad writing. But it'd be very interesting to see what happens when writer's can't resort to it at all. Maybe we'll see the Twelfth Doctor become an inventive MacGyver-figure, saving the Universe with a kettle and a ball of string. Though the sonic has been removed from the equation before, this could be an opportunity for the new Doctor to consciously decide not to use it anymore. The older Capaldi could berate his baby-faced previous incarnation for carrying a silly toy around and arrogantly assert that he will do just fine without. It'd be a powerful introduction to the new Doctor and put him in stark contrast to his predecessor.

I'm a freelance technology journalist with an unhealthy obsession for Doctor Who.