Doctor Who: 8 Biggest Clues About The Finale

Do we know who Missy is?

Peter Capaldi's first series in control of the TARDIS is coming to an end and what a run it's been. The Twelfth Doctor has provided a refreshing change of pace, managing to be distinctly different from recent takes while still maintaining an air of familiarity, while Clara has gone from being a personality-less physical embodiment of a mystery into an interesting, well-rounded character. The worries that Matt Smith's leaving would hamper the show seem to be as unfounded as the similar sentiment around David Tennant's departure. The quality of writing in Series 8 is certainly as high as it's ever been (bar some illogical CGI dinosaurs), with the episodes for the most part offering a solid concept that's actually getting explored. Gone are the days when aliens only stalked the bits of London estates that looked a bit like Cardiff with no greater meaning - no place or time is out of bounds and that's been shown with some pretty seismic plot beats. Of course, while the stories have been totally stand-alone affairs, since the moment Missy popped up in Deep Breath we've had an eye towards to series finale, a two-parter airing over the next couple of weeks. The arc has only been lightly teased, with us still knowing very little about The Nethersphere/The Promised Land, but we've endeavoured to find the eight biggest clues towards what may happen in Dark Water and Death In Heaven.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.