Doctor Who: 8 Biggest Clues About The Finale

7. Missy Collecting The Doctor's Victims

Most of the scenes featuring Missy have seen her greeting presumed dead people to the Promised Land. We'll get to the manifestation of heaven in a minute, but for now let's look at exactly who she's been talking to. Namely, people who are, for the lack of a better word, victims of the Doctor. First up was the Half-Face Man in Deep Breath, whose death was caused by the Doctor (whether directly or indirectly is still uncertain), and a week later Into The Dalek saw Gretchen sacrifice herself to save him and Clara, waking up with Missy for tea. As she ignores Matthew, the Police Officer killed by the Skovox, when he arrives, it seems like she's being targeted in who she approaches; his death was unrelated to the Doctor's actions. Ross, another soldier who died in the Dalek, tricked by the Doctor before his death, likewise doesn't appear as, by the Time Lord's own admission, he was already dead. Conclusion: Not only is Missy obsessed with the Doctor, she's putting plenty of time into those who've been fatally wronged by him. The logistics of this - these people are meant to be dead - will be discussed later, but for now it's clear her goal is to do with his mistakes.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.