Doctor Who: 8 Biggest Clues About The Finale

5. Clara Getting The Doctor's Phone Number

The Time Of The Doctor wrapped up pretty much every long-standing mystery from Matt Smith's tenure, bringing the crack in the universe, the Silence and the Question together in one of the show's best Christmas episodes. But there was one thing that it didn't look at; how Clara got the Doctor's phone number. In The Bells Of Saint John it's rather flippantly explained away, with Clara saying she was given the TARDIS' digits by a woman in a shop. At the time many assumed this would be River Song, but with The Name Of The Doctor seemingly writing her out of the show, it seems like it could be a different, but equally mysterious lady. This was further mentioned in Deep Breath, with the Doctor musing that someone wants to pair of them together, telling us the writers haven't forgotten about this. Conclusion: With Missy's monitoring of Clara and the Doctor's theory (although this series he's not been right all that much) it seems certain that she's been pushing them together for longer than we realise.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.