Doctor Who: 8 Minisodes We Could See In 2014

1. Twelve's Post-Regeneration Madness

Finally, the most likely minisode that Moffat could possibly surprise us with, is just a continuation from where we left off. The Moff leaked the script that Peter Capaldi auditioned with, and though it contains the comment about his kidneys, it's an awful lot longer than the scene that we were greeted with. It seems only natural that we should see another glimpse of our new Doctor, what he can do, and what kind of man he'll be, just to wet our appetites for the coming series; and it's not exactly a difficult scene to film, is it? It's something that Russell T Davies did with David Tennant's first moments, as 'Born Again' connected 'The Parting of the Ways' with 'The Christmas Invasion'; could we see a similar minisode from Moffat? Likelihood: 8/10 What would you like to see in a minisode though? What do you think we will see? Comment below!

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.